PlayStation Move Gun Attachment

PlayStation Move “Shooting Attachment” – Available for $??.??, the Shooting Attachment takes arcade shooting games to a whole new level. The Shooting Attachment snaps directly onto a motion controller and allows gamers to hold the motion controller like a gun, creating a more precise and immersive experience for games like The Shoot! and Time Crisis: Razing Storm.

Catherine's Erotic Box Art

Look away, kiddo. This game is not for you.

Meet the Batmen in Batman: Arkham City

From Batman Beyond to The Dark Knight Returns, be the Batman of your choosing in Rocksteady's upcoming Batman: Arkham City.


From Batman Beyond to The Dark Knight Returns, be the Batman of your choosing in Rocksteady's upcoming Batman: Arkham City.



Friday, August 5, 2011

Meet the Batmen in Batman: Arkham City

Posted On 12:01 AM by The Meme Initiative 0 comments

From Batman Beyond to The Dark Knight Returns, be the Batman of your choosing in Rocksteady's upcoming Batman: Arkham City.

As we all know, the stakes are much higher in Batman: Arkham City, the sequel to the critically acclaimed Batman: Arkham Asylum with more members from the Dark Knight's infamous Rogues' Gallery showing up. Fortunately we can always count on the ever-resourceful Caped Crusader to one-up his opponent. And in line with the bigger and badder theme of the sequel, Batman will have a massive wardrobe to choose from., a British fan site of the game, has unveiled all the pre-order skins for the Dark Knight available in UK. From Neal Adam's stylish portrait of Batman, Frank Miller's unforgettable rendition in The Dark Knight Returns, to Batman Beyond's Terry McGinnis, all the iconic Batman images that you can think of are among the "exclusive" skins from competing retailers.

While we here at The Daily Zombies harbours a general dislike for unlockable items packaged as an exclusive pre-order purchase or a DLC, these cool skins of Batman are really something to behold. All we need now is an Adam West campy Batman.

Head over to to find out more details on where to grab the "exclusive" skin of Batman of your desire.