PlayStation Move Gun Attachment

PlayStation Move “Shooting Attachment” – Available for $??.??, the Shooting Attachment takes arcade shooting games to a whole new level. The Shooting Attachment snaps directly onto a motion controller and allows gamers to hold the motion controller like a gun, creating a more precise and immersive experience for games like The Shoot! and Time Crisis: Razing Storm.

Catherine's Erotic Box Art

Look away, kiddo. This game is not for you.

Meet the Batmen in Batman: Arkham City

From Batman Beyond to The Dark Knight Returns, be the Batman of your choosing in Rocksteady's upcoming Batman: Arkham City.


From Batman Beyond to The Dark Knight Returns, be the Batman of your choosing in Rocksteady's upcoming Batman: Arkham City.



Saturday, October 8, 2011

Xbox 360

Posted On 8:52 AM by Grey 0 comments